Report from the Field
A report from 1999 when members of the Ponka Wonka team delivered relief through Ve’ahavta, a Canadian humanitarian organization that Stephen Epstein co-founded.
A report from 1999 when members of the Ponka Wonka team delivered relief through Ve’ahavta, a Canadian humanitarian organization that Stephen Epstein co-founded.
WordPress website for property managers to highlight their services in Ashkelon.
WordPress website for Israel-based tourism expert focusing on Christian travel.
WordPress website for New York City bar to highlight drink and food menus, hours and enable reservations.
WordPress website to hlighlight routes and logistical information for this annual fundraising bike ride in Israel.
WordPress website for a non-profit organization to spotlight its events, news and fund-raising efforts.
WordPress website for one of the Start-Up Nation’s leading companies for FDA approvals.
HTML5 website about the Bnei Menashe of India, believed to be one of the 10 Lost Tribes.
WordPress website written and developed for an Israeli manufacturer of physical rehabilitation devices.
WordPress website to showcase and enable customer reviews and comparisions of DNA tests.
WordPress website for growing plumbing and filtration service company based in Beit Shemesh, Israel.
Invitation to annual Beit Halochem Canada Celebration of Life fundraising event.
Product catalogue produced in three languages for Xtend, which is made by StePac, a division of Johnson Matthey.
Unterdum, lacus et vulputate nulla commodo sem, at egestas nulla metus vel sapien!
Marketing brochure for a leading worldwide supplier of egg-quality measuring equipment.
Sed ipsum dolor sit velit nulla commodo sem, at egestas lorem ipsum dolor nulla metus vel sapien!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet commun vitas imperdiet eleifend magna vulputate pellen tesque velit nulla.
Preparing for a trip to India means first getting a round or two of vaccinations.
I had to get one Hepatitis A and two Hepatitis B shots. (I have to return a third time for the final Hep-B injection in six months to a year.) And there were also needles for Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis and Polio combined and Typhoid.
Vased interdum vulputate pellen tesque, velit nulla commodo sem lacus et vulputate pellen tesque velit nulla.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet communitas imperdiet eleifend magna, eget dictum urna to lorem gravida quis.
Sed interdum, lacus et vulputate pellentesque, velit nulla commodo sem, at egestas nulla metus vel sapien.
Series of giving-appeals and corresponding social media posts created for Beit Halochem Canada.
Nulla facilisi congue eu ornare vel, mattis sed eros, velit nulla egestas nulla metus vel sapien.
Brochure was written and designed to explain how the company built a CRM specifically for the Telecom and other big data markets.
Perspiciatis faucibus purus unde om iste natus sit piciatis unde lorem ipsusit dolor comnis.
Dolor anterdum, lacus et vulputate nulla commodo sem, at egestas nulla metus vel sapien.
Dolor lacus et vulputate nulla commodo sem, at egestas nulla metus vel sapien. Etiam id elit, vel tincidunt nulla ipsum non justo.